About Me
Jash Patel, NextPhase Founder and Lifestyle Coach
Why “notjashpatel”?
The honest answer is the usernames “jashpatel” and “thejashpatel” were already taken.
But the answer I prefer is tied to The Ship of Theseus.
The story asks: if you replace every part of a ship to preserve it, is it still the same ship?
You could argue either way.
Now, what if you replaced the parts not to preserve the ship, but to improve it?
In that case, the ship has evolved. It’s no longer the same—it’s become something greater.
I see us the same way.
We can stay the same and let time wear us down. Or we can adapt, grow, and create something better.
I choose to leave the old me behind to make space for the new.
Hence the name “notjashpatel.”
The question is: are you ready to do the same?