Don’t Do Too Much
Trying to do everything at once will have you doing nothing.
We, as guys, care about three main things: health, wealth, and relationships.
But if you try to improve all three at once, you will end up making little progress in any of them.
The Problem
We all have limited time and energy.
Imagine you’re a jug, and your energy is the water.
You have three cups to fill: health, wealth, and relationships.
But you only have a small amount of water to pour each day.
If you try to pour evenly between the three cups, none of them will really get filled.
The Solution
The answer is periodization.
It sounds complicated, but it’s simple: focus on one thing at a time.
1. Prioritize
We can only do so much each day and in life as a whole.
We have limited time to achieve everything we want.
So, we have to prioritize.
You’ll have a long list of things you want to tackle, but right now, one thing will sit at the top of that list.
Maybe it’s getting in shape, launching a business, or starting a relationship.
Whatever it is, that’s where you should direct the most focus.
2. Achieve
Once you’ve identified your top priority, go after it.
Design your daily life around achieving that goal.
That doesn’t mean you ignore the other areas of life, but it does mean you’ll pour more energy into the one that matters most right now.
For example, if your goal is getting in shape, you need to focus on training and nutrition, not worrying about your business or trying to socialize more.
Keep at it until you reach a level you’re happy with, and once that happens, it’s time to shift your focus.
3. Offload
When you’ve reached the level you’re satisfied with, it’s easier to maintain.
You don’t need to put in as much energy to keep things where they are.
Now you can ease off a bit and put more energy into another area that needs more attention.
4. Repeat
This cycle will repeat throughout your life.
One area will start to feel neglected, and you’ll need to pour energy back into it.
No cup will ever be full—it’ll only reach a level that you’re content with.
.That’s the goal: continuous progress, not perfection.
Another Problem
Sometimes, you’ll lose it all.
You might fall out of shape, your business could fail, or your relationship might end.
But that’s okay.
The cups you’ve been pouring into represent your skills.
The knowledge you gained along the way is still with you, even if the tangible outcomes are gone.
So when it comes to rebuilding, it won’t be as difficult as the first time.
The energy you spent in improving yourself is never wasted.
Want To Reach Your Next Phase?
I lost 50 kg and took back control over my life.
I’ll help you do the same.