Why you should NOT get lean
I don’t think it’s worth it.
Should You Train To Failure?
Here’s what I recommend doing.
Extreme Intermittent Fasting (3 Hour Window)
Is it worth it?
Running A Half Marathon With No Training
I attempted to beat my runner friend's personal record.
The Best Workout Routine
What are workout routines and how to pick the best one?
How To Add Flavour To Food Without Adding Calories
Tips and tricks on how to lose weight without having to eat bland food.
Walking Your Way To Health
Is walking daily the simple shortcut to health?
5 Differences Between Weight Loss and Cutting
Cutting and weight loss are different approaches and have different results. Which is better?
3 Healthy Habits To Lose Weight
Your daily habits will make or break your weight loss journey. Implement these three healthy habits and get your weight loss journey underway.
Should You Do Cardio Before or After Weights?
When trying to get leaner, stronger, and healthier, doing both cardio and weights is a great strategy. But should you do cardio before or after weights?
How to Stop Snacking: Top 5 Tips and Tricks
Let me guess. You don’t think you eat a lot, and then you catch yourself head-deep in the fridge searching for a quick treat. Here’s how to stop snacking on “unhealthy” foods and boost your fat loss efforts.
Meditation for Depression: Does it Really Work?
Medication or meditation, what’s best? Here’s why it’s worth trying meditation for depression, the benefits of doing so, and how to get started.
Lifting Weights: A Cure To Depression?
Lifting weights comes with a plethora of benefits, one is the positive impact on mental health. But how does the iron fair against depression?
High-Protein Sweet Potato Taco Recipe
Lose weight and stay full with this easy high-protein, high-fibre, energy-packed alternative to the usual tacos. As a bonus, it can be made gluten-free, lactose-free, and low FODMAP.
Accelerate Muscle Gain with a Bedtime Protein Shake
Struggling to gain muscle mass? Time your protein right. A study finds that the best time for a protein shake is before going to sleep, and not necessarily post-workout.
Need Motivation? Sleep More
Sleeping less is killing your motivation and mental health. If you want to tick off goals and be more productive, get some rest.
The Link Between Your Mind, Food, And Obesity
We all know what food choices we should make, but why are the “unhealthy” options so tempting? A study finds that it’s because of how your brain is wired.
Best Cardio For Fat Loss?
You can’t mention fat loss without talking about cardio. But with so many variations, deciding what to do can get confusing…
Relax More To Achieve More?
The hustle culture and “grindset” are at large. People advocate working relentlessly to tick off goals, but is that really the best way to lead your life?
Top 5 Foods For Fat Loss
Hunger, cravings, and low energy all spring to mind when you think of fat loss. But fat loss can be made easy through the right food choices.