The Best Workout Routine
What are workout routines and how to pick the best one?
Fixing Your Routine: The Find, Modify, Act Improvement Loop
Use The Find, Modify, and Act Improvement Loop to correct your routine and turn your life around.
Positive vs Negative Self-Talk: What’s Better?
How the little voice in your head can change your worldview and impact your decision-making.
The 5 Shared Habits of 5 Successful People
The habits that Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg all have in common.
9 Ways to Overcome Laziness
We can all fall into the trap of laziness, here’s how to get out.
How To Add Flavour To Food Without Adding Calories
Tips and tricks on how to lose weight without having to eat bland food.
5 Bad Habits Killing Your Gains
Avoid these bad habits and hit your fitness goals.
Walking Your Way To Health
Is walking daily the simple shortcut to health?
The Fat Loss Mindset Plateau
The mindset plateau that can undo all your progress.
The Morning Fat Loss Routine
The morning routine I use whilst cutting.
Measuring Success and Progress: The 3 Methods
Ever wonder if you’re doing the right thing? You use these methods to find out.
5 Differences Between Weight Loss and Cutting
Cutting and weight loss are different approaches and have different results. Which is better?
The Mindset Changes During Weight Loss
You know the physical effects of weight loss, but what goes on upstairs?
The Gym: Does it Give More Than it Takes?
The gym is where we spend our time and energy. But, in the grand scheme of things, is it worth it?
3 Healthy Habits To Lose Weight
Your daily habits will make or break your weight loss journey. Implement these three healthy habits and get your weight loss journey underway.
The Pre-Workout Routine
What you do leading up to a training session is just as important as the workout itself. Here’s why priming your mind and body will help deliver an intense and enjoyable session.
How To Stay Consistent
Anyone looking to better themselves in health, work, relationships, and life in general, will eventually begin to wonder how to stay consistent. Well, here’s the best way.
Should You Do Cardio Before or After Weights?
When trying to get leaner, stronger, and healthier, doing both cardio and weights is a great strategy. But should you do cardio before or after weights?
The Bigger Picture: One Day Is Just One Step
Do you ever get stressed out and bogged down after one “unsuccessful” day? Here’s how a simple shift in your perspective to the bigger picture can improve mood and productivity
How to Stop Snacking: Top 5 Tips and Tricks
Let me guess. You don’t think you eat a lot, and then you catch yourself head-deep in the fridge searching for a quick treat. Here’s how to stop snacking on “unhealthy” foods and boost your fat loss efforts.